Monday, August 11, 2008

Peach Water Tower, Gaffney, South Carolina

I am FINALLY sending you some of the pictures of the more ... interesting ... things in South Carolina. We seem to have a thing for weird water towers around here.

The peach is the pride of Gaffney - SC grows more peaches than Georgia, or did when this thing was built, so in an effort to convince the national Peach Association to locate itself in SC they built a giant peach water tower.

Unfortunately, from certain angles it appears to be a giant butt mooning the city of Gaffney.

Pictures sent in by my friend Dru from South Carolina

Sombrero Water Tower from South of The Border, South Carolina

The sombrero is from South of the Border. Apparently some people think it's a romantic destination - there's a 24-hour wedding chapel there. You can also camp, eat at one of the restaurants, or buy an incredible amount of cheap crap.

Picture sent in by my friend Dru from South Carolina