Friday, July 3, 2009

Eiffel Tower in Texas?

Only Texas would put a cowboy hat on the Eiffel Tower! Thanks for the photos Dru!

Monday, December 1, 2008

"Mary Kay Catherdral"

Whoa! Just reselling the glass in this place would probably take our country out of its recession! Below is a description from Dru, the person who submitted the pics. Thanks Dru!

This is the "Mary Kay Cathedral," in Charlotte NC.

Okay, it's really Calvary Church, but it's HUGE and very pink. It used to be a lot pinker but pink stucco fades after a while, so it is sort of rose colored now.

When you fly in over the city you can see this pink thing down below - even the roof is pink. Hence the nickname, obviously.

When they built it they ran out of money, so instead of facing it in pink granite they used pink stucco.

To give you some idea of the size of the building, the little bushes in the front of the church are actually trees higher than an eighteen-wheeler. When they load stuff in and out for events the big trucks look like matchbox cars.

The sanctuary seats something like ten thousand, and the parking lots go on for acres.

Photo Submitted by Druscilla Carter Copyright All Rights Reserved

Monday, August 11, 2008

Peach Water Tower, Gaffney, South Carolina

I am FINALLY sending you some of the pictures of the more ... interesting ... things in South Carolina. We seem to have a thing for weird water towers around here.

The peach is the pride of Gaffney - SC grows more peaches than Georgia, or did when this thing was built, so in an effort to convince the national Peach Association to locate itself in SC they built a giant peach water tower.

Unfortunately, from certain angles it appears to be a giant butt mooning the city of Gaffney.

Pictures sent in by my friend Dru from South Carolina

Sombrero Water Tower from South of The Border, South Carolina

The sombrero is from South of the Border. Apparently some people think it's a romantic destination - there's a 24-hour wedding chapel there. You can also camp, eat at one of the restaurants, or buy an incredible amount of cheap crap.

Picture sent in by my friend Dru from South Carolina

Monday, July 28, 2008

Strange Sign Post

This is an actul sign post in Lynchville, Maine and the towns and distances are real and correspond to the sign.

Photograph and posted by Shay White

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Strangely Shaped Birch Tree

This was sent in by a friend. Look closely and you can see the very strangely shaped birch tree in the middle of the picture. Thanks Cynthia!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Breakfast Anyone?

This large frying pan, approximately 10' across, is brought out each summer during the Egg Festival in Pittsfield, Maine and eggs are actually cooked on it. The rest of the year it is stored in the town's maintenance facilities.